
Update 02/15/2020

Its been almost a year and a half since I last posted any updates. Aside from a a little hiatus in 2019, the AltBase effort has been well under way. Since then, I have been learning the necessary skills to develop a standalone database and website to complete the mission for AltBase that I started in 2016. I have received some outside assistance that has helped steer the project in the right direction and kept momentum going to finish the project.

Soon, I will be deploying a standalone (not wordpress) website that will deliver on all aspects of the excel-based prototype. I am not sure when I will be able to deliver on this, but I expect it will be at some point before June 2020, with most functionality complete. With the 2020 presidential election around the corner, I am feeling pressed for time and pouring more time and effort into the project.

Updates 10/3/2018

There have been few updates since my last post. Progress has been sluggish owing to work and real life, but I expect to pick up development a lot over the coming weeks. Hopefully I will be able to release 2.0 later this month. We’ve seen a bit of an uptick in traffic lately – I’m almost hoping we don’t get too much exposure before I’ve got 2.0 ready for release. I’ll post sometime later next week on any status updates.

AltBase 2.0 – More Updates

I wanted to get another post out there since, obviously, 2.0 isn’t released yet.

Things are going well as far as development. Re-writing the whole code just takes a lot more time and rewriting the language to be more object-oriented was a bit of a learning experience for me. I also haven’t been able to devote as much time to the project as I wanted. But, I’ve also built out new features as I’ve tested it, so more functionality means more developing time.

Shopping Cart and Printer:

One example of these is a shopping cart-ish feature with a “Printer” tab. This enables users to casually build a catalog of sources, claims, or media they want to extract as they browse, instead of clumsily flipping from AltBase to whatever they’re posting to while using it. It’s much more convenient and helps keep track of what you were looking for and what you have already.


We also have much more robust editing and search functions. As I tested it, it became obvious that sources and media object prompts were too “siloed” and was hard to keep track of what I was trying edit or what sources I was trying to add to media objects. So, building out these connections took additional time too.

Overall I think the product has turned out great. The majority of the time I will be spending from now on will be fleshing out the media objects (hopefully ~100 of these at least) and building the export functions necessary for the user to send updates to the Administrator. There is also a large repository of sources/links I’ve been made aware of that I might try to add before I release. This will be the more grueling phase of coding and I think I need at least 24-36 hours more development time on this, which could be 2 weeks or 4.

It also looks like we got our first 4chan link today. Hoping this doesn’t take off yet, as I’m so close to version 2.0 and we don’t want to wear out the brand. AltBase 2.0 I think, especially considering Media objects and the “Print” function, will be a massive improvement to the current version and I would rather this be the first one people use.

Obviously some people have seen the recent AltHype blackpilling and related Spencer fallout. Its a bit unfortunate, but I’m not terribly bothered the course of events and I will chug along as planned. I’m considering a potential future rebranding of the product in light of everything – but that’s definitely overkill for now. We’ll just see how things land over the next few weeks.

AltBase 2.0: Targets and Future Updates

Progress again coming along well for the new Offline version. I am setting a target of mid-August to have this version released. For 2.0, I expect to be able to deliver on all advertised media (read: ‘image’) capabilities and fulfill all anticipated needs pursuant to collaborating with others in the future. I hope we can gain a lot more from mass exposure this time.

Some new ideas that may (probably won’t) make it into 2.0:

VidBase: For cataloging videos in YouTube, BitChute, and elsewhere

PastaBase: For cataloging the copyPasta of various online users

Updates 7/12

Progress on AltBase 2.0 is steady, but still no definitive date for deployment yet. In retrospect, the path taken already seems to be the right one. There is so much clean up on the code that was necessary – and is still necessary – to ensure we can take advantage of more resources. Progress on the application will be steady through the summer – it’s possible I might even take time some vacation to finish it. I also want to be prepared with a “use case” demo of some work others have done – one that I can “chop up” and have available piece-wise in the platform as an example when I post the new version. I have a few candidates in mind, AltHype being an obvious one and some others from posters over at r/DebateAltRight.

Anyways – more to come, I’ll keep you posted